“Dissolving Boredom”

by | Apr 12, 2024 | Personal Insights

The Visit of Boredom!

Have you ever been so bored that you would do anything to escape this painful inner condition? Maybe you dislike playing cards but dislike boredom even more, so you will spend hours playing card games so you won’t have to meet your boredom. Here is some good news, There is a method to remove boredom from your life once and for all permanently. Every human on this planet Earth lives within four psychological walls. These walls consist of thoughts and fixed ideas about life. They advertise being an individual, but since everyone is burdened by their four-wall existence, how individual is that? People feel limited within these walls and are sure that their experience is all that exists. They roam back and forth between these walls, going over the same ground over and over again. Over the years, they have identified with these fixed thoughts and remain in their condition. Any excitement that appears is wholeheartedly welcomed because of their inner condition, for they long to escape this punishing inner torment. Excitement delivers a short escape only to end at some point and the dreadful boredom returns.

The Greatest News!

Vernon Howard’s teachings are about traveling psychologically outside this four-walled area of the mind. Boredom does not exist outside the confinement of the four walls. This is the greatest news in anyone’s life. You can dissolve your boredom once and for all. Once you get a glimpse outside your regular mindset, this other life, a higher existence, you cannot unsee it. You are forever changed. Your hard work and persistence to see even more of this high life becomes
your personal pleasure, and you welcome all problems because your view has changed, and you see them as challenges to discover even more about yourself.

1 Comment

  1. “When you join Truth you are getting very wise.”


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