Our Mission
What is Success Without Stress?
We are a small group of friendly volunteers, young and old, living in different parts of the US and in other countries, who have three things in common: We were all tired of suffering. We came in contact with the teachings of Vernon Howard, and applied his practical principles to our lives. We’ve all tested these new ideas and continue to experience a miraculous upward shift from commonplace to extraordinary.
If you are looking for a real and bright change in your life, please browse our site and discover these wonderful secrets for yourself.
“You must first become aware of a problem before you can dismiss it”
-Vernon Howard
Profound awakenings with these teachings!
Please put off what you’re doing now and get -that your whole world can change to something soooo incredible, you’ll be dumbfounded! Surprised! And, Relieved!
No nonsense-plain English ways to KNOW yourself! Isn’t that what everybody really wants? Please buckle-up! The changes are jolting, but healing! What your heart has really yearned for your entire life?! I’ve been thru it all and have stopped right here. Gratitude.
Every day when I listen to Vernon Howard’s talks or read his books, I learn something true and new about myself. His words inspire me to be better and something more than I have ever been. These teachings are extremely relatable; his analogies are incredibly helpful, and he always knows exactly what to say to make sense of life. I’m challenged in the best way possible and can’t imagine life without this direction. At last, I’ve committed myself to becoming a truly healthy human being. I am eternally grateful that something Real exists! It’s the best thing anyone could give themselves; a true chance to live life the way it is intended to be lived. Thank you to all who keep this going and good luck to everyone.
The teachings of Vernon Howard and Murray Oxman are the only thing I have ever found that has really changed my life for the better. Nothing else has worked. If you want real change for a better life, the resources are here, so you can find out for yourself. Lucky you!’
Upon learning of the teachings of Murray Oxman and Vernon Howard and applying them everyday, my life has gained a new understanding and new meaning. I am forever thankful for the principles and the men who devoted their lives to passing them on.