Review Your Past Mistakes with no Shame!

by | Jan 15, 2025 | Personal Insights

I was consciously returning to my memories to remember when I got myself into a lot of trouble, because I thought I knew what was right for me. Try this with your past experiences, it is very helpful to review your mistakes so you won’t repeat them.

I decided to take a weekend trip to a friend’s mountain cabin. He invited me, and said, “It would be great and how much fun we would have.” Thinking this would be much better than spending my weekend with myself, I agreed. He also invited another one of his friends whom I didn’t know. We all took the trip in my friends car. He picked me up first, and then picked up his other friend. Within twenty minutes, It hit me, just how unpleasant his other friend was, sensing I had made a huge mistake. Maybe the trip would get better and his unpleasantness would not last- I told myself. His friend was angry at life and shall we say, not a cup of tea to be around. I had to spend the next few days with a bully who hated everything, including me. I was baffled at his behavior. It was like being in a nightmare, but was reality. It was a small one room cabin and the weather was harsh outside, so there was no escaping his presence. We were miles away from anyone. There was no TV, so we played cards and a few board games. His friend could not play with a light spirit, because he didn’t possess one. I was a prisoner of my own stupidity. My friend was weak and didn’t have the courage to tell his other friend to knock it off, so we all suffered for the next few days. I was also weak and had no skills in handling the situation. Tormenting myself, If only I had taken my own vehicle, in which I could have simply left. I was stuck. No matter how I acted my friend’s friend became more and more unpleasant, and angry where he was close to becoming physically violent. This was absolute hell, I observed as my friend and I walked on eggshells. This trip could not end to soon.

There were so many lessons to see here. I should have met my friend’s friend ahead of time and not trusted my friend’s judgment. My own transportation would have helped. Understanding my own weakness would have given me skills on calling out anger’s bluff or handling the unpleasant experience. At the time, I didn’t have any higher knowledge.
If I had not been in such a desperate state of mind when receiving the invite, I would have asked many questions. My unclear mind got me into a lot of trouble. Assuming all was well caused me so many problems, and a weekend of hell.
If I knew all about my weaknesses, I would have known about my friend’s weaknesses. He was also a victim here. There are many lessons to see and review.

Reviewing your past mistakes with no shame about your past low level inner states is extremely helpful! Making everything clear in your mind is pure gold.


  1. Typing up this memory story brought up the very shame the post tells of. Your mind must be watched closely because it is not your friend. It has its place on this planet to help you solve phsyiscal problems, but
    psychologically it becomes faulty. It is like an alarm clock that works only sometimes.

  2. It’s all in the mind of the observer. Your friend did you and himself a favor. To observe another’s pain and anguish is a gift and a personal experience for the future. Nature was telling all of you to look closely at each other and yourselves. What’s blocking the escape is the proof that you are going through the passageway of your thoughts.

  3. Great blog Steve! I have learned so much by reviewing my past blunders in the light of higher understanding. When doing this I feel certain that those blunders will never be repeated. If not for the higher life I would have gone on living that way & blaming the world & its people for all of my troubles. Instead, I’m so fortunate to be living the good life & always learning. I live with “an attitude of gratitude.”

    • Vernon uses the term; “Purified Memory.” You remember that bad, blundering past event without an “I” or a “Self” in it. The truth explains everything to anyone who wants the explanation.


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