“Divine Visitation”

by | Jan 21, 2024 | Personal Insights

“Something did not feel right.”

Have you ever been somewhere, anywhere in life, in a huge crowd, or maybe with some company in which everyone appeared to be having fun and a good time, but you had a strange feeling of being out of sorts? Something did not feel right, but you couldn’t put a finger on it. Everyone was saying they were having fun, but you couldn’t quite buy it. You thought to yourself, “There must be something wrong with me.” You had a very strong feeling that everyone was pretending, and this made you very uncomfortable inside. This happened plenty of times to me over the years that I have been on this planet. This is what Vernon Howard calls “Divine Visitation.” Something else seemed to be calling out to you, but you weren’t sure what was going on. You were caught between two worlds. The earthly and the spiritual.

“There must be something more to life than this.”

“There must be something more to life than this.” Even though I’m here with everyone, I also feel that I’m missing out. This is so strange, what I’m feeling. You maybe thought I must be weird or something along those lines. News Flash! This “other” is God calling out to you, and he does it with Divine Visitation. Heavenly impressions are so high that this present world (its level) can not see them. We always feel uncomfortable with anything new. If you want more of God’s presence in your life, you must go out of your way to find it. You must seek in areas (inwardly) that you have never visited before. There is a Cosmic Law that says, whatever you seek, seeks you. Go into action and seek the light. It is waiting for your invitation.

Vernon Howard has given a 45-minute audio talk on this unworldly subject and explains it better than I could ever do. (3-4-89 audio)


  1. Loved your insights Steve ! I have spent a life time of going from one event, holiday, or accomplishment to another, but for reason I always felt like I was a fake, because they never gave me the fulfillment that they seemed to give others. I did a lot of pretending try to fit in. With Vernon Howard’s talk I now realize that sense of “unfulfillment” was a Divine Visitation pointing me to another way of Being. It is true freedom to feel that I don’t have to fit in, and that Divine Wisdom & Guidance are always here, just not in the way the mind thinks they should be.

  2. It is wonderful to hear other’s stories like this that validate my own experiences in life. For years many of us have traveled without any indication that anyone else was experiencing this. Thanks for sharing Steve & Glenda.

  3. What is amazing is that when you place more attention on insights and experiences about the “Higher World,” you have more insights and experiences. Some experiences show you certain wrong things about your nature, but witnessing and seeing them separates you from them. They disappear, never to haunt you again. Haunt is the right word because they won’t leave you alone. If you continue to seek, you become more and more wise in their ways, and this keeps you safe from their torture and guilt. Then there are those high glimpses into a different world that show you why the world never gets better but goes on to the next series of madnesses. Everyone is in a particular state of sleep, self-enclosed, unable to throw it off, and learns to act and pretend all is well. Even if he knows deeply in his heart of hearts, this is untrue. The abnormal becomes normal. I’m so glad I started and continue walking this Royal Road.


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