
by | Dec 8, 2023 | Personal Insights

Your attention is the most valuable power you possess. Advertisers are constantly thinking up new ways to trick you into making your money theirs. Everyone would agree with this, but only a few see the utter importance of this. Your attention is being stolen one hundred times more than you suspect. Once they have your attention, they can go on to the next step to get whatever they want from you. Now, here is the amazing phenomenon that anyone who wants more command over his life needs to see. The same thing is going on inside every human being, their own thoughts are grabbing their attention. You can witness this for yourself when you go out to have a nice time, and your thoughts have other plans and won’t let you enjoy anything. You have done everything to have a good time, lined up all your ducks, but your mind won’t let you relax and give up a worry, dread, or any other attention-grabbing problem. When you get negative over anything, what really happens is you have been kidnapped. If you have been kidnapped for 20 or 40 years, it makes no difference because you can develop inside where kidnapping is a thing of the past.

Here is the trick that is being played on you. Your mind and your negativity have stolen and kidnapped your attention. You don’t have a physical presence at this moment because your self-enclosed mind is dominating your attention. And anything to do with your mind only makes the problem worse. If you were living in this moment totally, you would see your mind attempt to kidnap your attention and refuse its assault on your peace of mind.

Here is a great explanation expressed by Terry I.:

“What exactly is this thing we call presence? We can start by describing it this way: it is the reality of being completely available to the movement of life itself.
Presence uses a completely unique language that can never be duplicated by anything else. It is an electric, naturally alive silence that expresses truth continually at its core. It is not at all the same silence that is imposed by the rigid walls of non-present unconsciousness. You could say that presence is, at its essence, omnipresence, which is a complete expression of the presence of God everywhere at the same time. Presence is always, naturally, an opening, not a closing, and its essence is rightness. Wrongness will not stick to it since rightness sees completely through it. And what is completely seen through will never stick. Instead, it will slide away to find darkness elsewhere to feed its sticky nature.
The only possible means that we have available to us to honor life itself is by being present. Presence is everything. It is what each of us is, whether we can see this or not. Everything else is nothing but an idea. Only presence can continually ascend in renewal. Presence is the powerful actualizing of ‘Thy will, not mine, being done’. Presence is the living word. Presence is the true joining with the will of the Highest, now and forever. And the best time to let ourselves be present is always, always, now.”

Even if one does not understand everything Terry describes in this presence quote, one can see the value of going on to understand it. A New Life can be yours, and the old you will not be able to recognize anything about this New Life. This is great news for anyone wanting the new and owning their own attention.



  1. I read this blog a couple days ago and could not take it in with any depth of understanding. Something did not want to understand. This morning as I woke I was drawn to go back to the the blog and became aware that the thought patterns whirling in the mind were attempting to kidnap attention. The words in the blog felt alive and I experienced the truth of the message. I felt negative thoughts pulling attention, I became aware of my tense body and nervous energy. It was as if the words of the blog were shining a light on what could not be seen before they were read, because the negative state was so much more familiar than “presence”. As the attempt to shift the attention was made to presence, it was amazing to experience the resistance to move toward peace and the desire to stay in the familiar negativity, as if the negativity was a protector in some way. Powerful message in this blog, thank you.

    • It is quite amazing if you can see this…You must do your part in finding out what is already true and has been true for thousands and thousands of years. You must make a move toward it before it makes a move toward you. These moves will be equal in force, both yours and the truths. This explains why most on this planet don’t see what we are writing about; they have not made any movement toward truth. You can experiment with this to whatever degree you want with amazing results. Put more attention on the higher lessons of truth to different degrees, and your experiments will be your own proof. You can also see how you can’t make anyone see what they don’t want to see. They are not ready to receive the higher lesson. Every individual must make his or her own efforts, or he or she will remain on their present life level. After discovering there is more to life, higher levels, I can never go back to that prison life. We are all self-prisoners, and we all have an opportunity to get out of our own self-prison. The purpose of life is to grow into higher realizations of self and God.


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